What to Expect in This Course

The Buckling the Social Media Seatbelt Supercourse

Every time your child logs onto social media they are at risk from a number of social media-related dangers like cyberbullying, depression and suicide, hate speech, sexting, and human trafficking, to name just a few.  And many children are averaging over 5 hours a day on social media!

Previously, parents had to go hunting and pecking around the internet or rely on the parent rumor mill to learn how to keep their child safe on social media.  No more.

With the Buckling the Social Media Seatbelt course, parents can learn -- for the first time in one place -- a comprehensive system to keep their child safe on social media.  During the course you will learn from the experts in social media safety -- what social media safety conversations to have with your child, what safety rules to set, and how to calibrate the settings for your devices and social media apps. 

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Disclosure

    • Overview of the Course

  • 2


    • Introduction

    • Cyberbullying

    • Hate Speech

    • Sexual Harassment

    • Violence & Challenges

    • Sexting

    • Human Trafficking & Abuse

    • Fraud & Manipulation

    • Propaganda & Misinformation

    • Mental Health

    • Conclusion

    • Conversation Checklist

  • 3


    • Introduction

    • Rules 1 -3 (Block & Report)

    • Rules 4 - 5 (Stranger Danger)

    • Rules 6 - 8 (Habitual Use)

    • Rule 9 (App Downloads)

    • Rules 10 -12 (Fraud)

    • Rule 13 (Propaganda)

    • Rule 14 (Hacking)

    • Rules Template

  • 4

    Calibrate the Settings

    • Introduction

    • Apple - Initial Set Up

    • Apple - Screen Time Set Up

    • Apple Device Set Up

    • Third-Party Software

    • Other Settings

    • Social Media Platform Settings

    • Tik Tok

    • Instagram

    • YouTube

  • 5


    • Concluding Remarks

Trusted by Parents & Experts:

Susie DaCorsi

Parent & Principal, Lockhurst Drive Charter Elementary School

It is fabulous. I feel the content and message is something that all parents should be required to participate in prior to their child entering either 4th grade or middle school.

Dr. Shlomy Kattan

Education Expert & Parent

As a parent and educator, I value greatly OFSMS' online course offerings. Being able to learn from OFSMS' experienced and thoughtful team serves as a guidepost in navigating the increasingly complex social media landscape. Thank you for all that you do.

Traci Lambert


This course was very necessary as a parent, and it really opened my eyes as to how naive I truly am when it comes to social media and kids. I have 11.5 year-old twins and I "thought" I knew a lot about social media and the risks. Boy, was I wrong. It's really frightening actually. After taking this course, I have secured my phone and my kids' phones to protect them from what madness is out there. Thank you for this eye-opening course.

Dr. Erica Felsenthal

Clinical Psychologist & Parent

This is a very helpful and informative course for anyone looking to learn more about how to keep children safe online.

About The Organization for Social Media Safety

The Organization for Social Media Safety is the first nonprofit (501c3) consumer protection organization focused exclusively on social media. Through advocacy, education, and technology development, we protect against social media-related dangers like cyberbullying, hate speech, sexual harassment, and human trafficking.  

With years of experience in teaching thousands of students and parents and backed by an Advisory Council with distinguished physicians, educators, and technologists, we are the experts in social media safety.

We are proud to be able to provide essential social media safety education like the Bukcling the Social Media Seatbelt SuperCourse for free as a part of our mission to make social media safe for everyone.

Learn The Buckling the Social Media Seatbelt System to Keep Your Child Safe on Social Media!

Enroll in this free course to learn the Organization for Social Media Safety's exclusive, innovative system to help keep your child safe from social media-related dangers like cyberbullying, depression, and social media addiction.